Proxy Access

A proxy user is a user that is allowed to access to your records and be able to complete tasks on your behalf such as requesting prescriptions, managing appointments and accessing your medical records and information. It is often used by the parents or recognised carers of young children, and recognised carers of adults. You can also give access to more than one person.

You can only be set up as a proxy access user if you have a registered account with online services.

To use the NHS App, both proxy user and representative must be registered at the same surgery.

If you are registered at different surgeries, you will need to use a another Online Services app such as Patient Access or myGP. 

This does not mean you cannot have proxy access. Please continue to complete the below form to request access.

To apply to be a proxy user on behalf of a patient, you will need to fill in the form below and provide necessary documentation, as well as authorisation from the patient themself. 

If you have a child under the age of 12 you can request proxy access to your child’s medical records. When your child reaches 12 years old the proxy access will be reduced to only allow you to make appointments on their behalf and repeat prescription requests. Your child will then need to give consent for any further information to be shared.

At the age of 16 proxy access will cease unless your child does not have capacity* to manage their own healthcare.
*If the patient does not have capacity to confirm proxy access then the access will be forwarded for approval by the GP.

For people aged 16 years and older they can request direct online access to their medical records themselves and will have responsibility for protecting their own registration details and password.

Proxy application will not be accepted from third party organisations such as insurance company or solicitors.

Please ensure you have carefully read the NHS Proxy Access Guide prior to applying.
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Medical Information to be Accessed

This section is to be completed with the details of the patient

Section 1 - Responsibility

I/We, the Representatives, wish to have online access to the services, ticked in the below section 3, for the patient of this form.

Section 2 - Granting Proxy Access
Section 3 - Access Levels
Representative 1

As you have stated that you do not have an online access account for yourself, we cannot proceed further. Please sign up to Online Services by clicking the following link About the NHS App ( 

Please note: To use the NHS App, both proxy user and representative must be registered at the same surgery.

If you are registered at different surgeries, you will need to use a another Online Services app such as Patient Access or myGP. 

This does not mean you cannot have proxy access. Please continue to complete the below form to request access.

Representative 2

As you have stated that you do not have an online access account for yourself, we cannot proceed further. Please sign up to Online Services by clicking the following link About the NHS App ( 

Please note: To use the NHS App, both proxy user and representative must be registered at the same surgery.

If you are registered at different surgeries, you will need to use a another Online Services app such as Patient Access or myGP. 

This does not mean you cannot have proxy access. Please continue to complete the below form to request access.

Section 4 - Only For Patients Without Capacity

If the above named patient does not have capacity to grant access but it is deemed in their best interests for access to be granted proof of lack of capacity must be provided before access can be granted.

We require the full signed and registered copy of the LPA for Health and Welfare.

We are unable to accept the confirmation of application letter or the notice of registration cover letter. 

Please upload multiple files of the fully signed document.

We cannot proceed further with the request without this information.

Only following file extensions are allowed: jpg, jpeg, png, webp, pdf, doc, docx, pptx
Section 5 – For Patients Aged 0-11

Parents can be granted proxy access for children between the ages of 0 to 11 years. Once the child turns 12 we are legally obliged to ask if your child consents to parents or guardians having access to their medical information. You will be contacted on the patients 11th birthday to inform you your access levels will be diminished to booking appointments and ordering prescriptions only, you are not able to see any further medical information without signed consent from the patient.

If the patient has recently turned 12 years old, proof of signed consent can be sent to However, the patient is within their right to remove this access at any point without consulting the representative.

Next Steps

The person you are granting proxy access to must now wait up to 14 working days for this request to be approved. Access is not granted immediately.

You may receive a telephone call to confirm this access request from a member of our administrative staff; this is to ensure any requests are made with the knowledge of the individual and to safeguard individuals.

Access can be denied by the surgery should a member of the clinical team feel this request has not been made with the patients best interests at heart, this access can be revoked by the surgery at any point.

Confirmation of this account being activated will be sent back via email, you must ensure you routinely check your emails for surgery correspondence.

Finally we ask that you confirm the following:

Identification for patient

To process the Proxy Access form, you must upload legal photographic identification (Driving license, Birth Certificate or Passport) for THE PATIENT

Only following file extensions are allowed: jpg, jpeg, png, webp, pdf, doc, docx, pptx
Identification for proxy

To process the Proxy Access form, you must upload legal photographic identification (Driving license, Birth Certificate or Passport) for THE PROXY REPRESENTATIVE

Only following file extensions are allowed: jpg, jpeg, png, webp, pdf, doc, docx, pptx

Please note: Access is given from the date the Proxy Access Request has been approved by Carlisle Healthcare, therefore you will not be able to access historical record access, only prospective. 

Privacy Consent

This form collects personal and medical information about you. We use this information to allow the practice team to contact you. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.


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