Self Referral for iMSK Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy can be particularly beneficial if you are seeking help for a musculoskeletal (bone, joint or muscle) problem such as back pain, arthritis or a sprain.

You can self refer to the North Cumbria Integrated Care Physiotherapy service using the form below. More information can be found on their website here.

Self-referral is not appropriate for patients with the following symptoms.
If you have experienced any of the following DO NOT FILL IN THIS FORM, please consult your GP for a referral.
For symptoms 1 and 2 seek urgent medical advice.

1. Unexplained bladder or bowel problems

2. Numbness or tingling around back passage or genitals

3. Pins and needles or numbness in both arms or both legs

4. Pain at night that persists despite changing your position

5. Fever or night sweats

6. Unexplained weight loss

7. Unsteady on feet

8. On current treatment for Cancer

We also cannot accept the self-referral form if you want:


  • You must be 18 years old or over to refer to this service.
  • You should be seeking help for a musculoskeletal (bone, joint or muscle) problem such as back pain, arthritis or a sprain.
  • Referral following orthopaedic surgery must be from the Orthopaedic team.
  • If you have multiple area of concern please complete separate self-referral forms for each.

Pain Relief?

Over the counter painkillers can be helpful. A pharmacist will be able to advise you on the appropriate tablets. If your symptoms worsen you may wish to contact your GP. If you have an old injury, you may find that placing a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on the affected area for 10 minutes reduces pain, while for a new injury you can use a pack of frozen peas wrapped in a damp towel for 10 minutes. Please be aware that hot and cold can burn and that you need to check every 5 minutes to make sure that your skin does not become very red or blotchy. If this happens, stop.

What can I do to help myself in the meantime?

Resting may prolong pain and disability. You may need to modify your activities, but returning to normal is beneficial to your recovery. Changing your position or activity frequently through the day will help to prevent and reduce stiffness. Try to build up your general activity gradually. Further guidance is available at: and

Please download this the getUBetter App or use the QR Code provided. getUBetter is your local support app which is provided alongside NHS Care. It offers local tips, advice, and exercises tailored to you and your stage of recovery. 


What happens next?

Please complete the form as fully as possible; the more information that we are given, the easier it is for us to direct people to the most appropriate service.
iMSK telephone number: 0333 014 2876

Once received, your referral will be reviewed by the North Cumbria Integrated Care Physiotherapy Team and you will be contacted in due course to arrange an appointment. 

We can only accept froms from patients registered with Carlisle Healthcare.
If you are not registered with us, please contact your own GP surgery who will be able to process your referral request

Carlisle Healthcare also offers a First Contact Physio service for patients registered with CHC.
If you would like to access this service, please contact the surgery via Online Consultation service or on 01228 588121
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GP Surgery

Carlisle Healthcare, Locke Road, Carlisle, CA1 3UB

Consent & Additional Needs
Referral details

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This form collects personal and medical informanot tion about you. We use this information to allow the practice team to contact you. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.


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